- 褪色 Fading, Fugitive Color
- 袋盖不直 Flap Edge is Uneven
- 袋盖反吐 Flap Lining Leans Out of Edge
- 止口反吐 Facing Leans Out of Front Edge
- 止口反翘 Front Edge is Upturned
- 止口缩角 Front Edge is Out of Square
- 止口不直 Front Edge is Uneven
- 平纽扣 Flat Button
- 麻线 Flax Thread
- 前腰褶 Front Waist Pleat
- 纽扣 Fly Button
- 裤门襟 Front Fly
- 钮牌扣眼 Fly Buttonhole
- 前身通省 Front Open Dart
- 肚省 Fish Dart